Feedback and Complaints
Parkinson’s NSW has adopted the Feedback and Complaints Procedure to ensure that there is a fair process for handling complaints that may arise from the work of Parkinson’s NSW. Parkinson’s NSW actively seeks and values all feedback to feed into our continuous improvement program. It aims to provide an efficient, clear, non-threatening, fair and accessible mechanism for dealing with problems which arise that are in breach of the Code of Conduct. Any person who has dealing with Parkinson’s NSW can make a complaint through the Feedback and Complaint Procedure.
Receiving feedback from and responding to complaints from stakeholders is an important part of improving Parkinson’s NSW’s accountability. Parkinson’s NSW believes that any stakeholder has the right to raise a complaint, have that complaint addressed and receive a response for mistakes, wrongful actions or breaches of the codes to which Parkinson’s NSW’s subscribes. We believe feedback is a valuable element in understanding expectations of clients, customers and stakeholders. While recognising expectations will not always be met we encourage and promote the right of clients / customers and stakeholders to provide us with their feedback and complaints.
A complaint can be made by any supporter, partner organisation, community or individual with whom we work or any member of the public whether an individual, civil society organisation, government, company or other entity.
Parkinson’s NSW promotes people’s right to speak up and ensures that people feel sufficiently confident to express any concerns. Parkinson’s NSW aims to ensure that all feedback and complaints are acknowledged within a 3-working day time frame and resolution of complaints is addressed within a 21-working day time frame.
Guiding Principles for this procedure:
- The complaints and feedback process provides ease of access to make feedback or a complaint. Feedback and complaints may be made verbally, in person, by phone, via a third person or in writing. All clients are informed of the feedback complaints process and have assistance as required in accessing the process.
- The feedback and complaints process is confidential. The person making the feedback or complaint may be identified or choose to be anonymous. Only people directly involved in the complaint, helping to resolve it or completing a risk assessment will have access to the information about the complaint and only information that is necessary and lawful will be collected. All documentation will be filed confidentially. the comments and complaints process affords natural justice
- All parties to a complaint will be treated in a respectful manner and have equal opportunity to participate in the complaints process. No complainant will be victimised or discriminated against as a result of making a complaint.
- Welcome and managing feedback process:
1.1 Parkinson’s NSW invites individuals to submit complaints regarding any aspect of the organisation’s operations inn any6 mode suitable to the person.
1.2 It is anticipated that most complaints raised by clients will be resolved informally between the client and staff involved. If a satisfactory resolution fails to be reached, the following procedure applies.
1.21. The Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer is the main point to which complaints should be directed, however, complaints may be received by any staff member of Parkinson’s NSW.
1.22. As soon as possible after the receipt of a complaint, the staff member who has been informed of the complaint should complete a Complaint Form. (see copy)
1.23. If a member of staff other than the Executive Assistant received the complaint, this form should be forwarded electronically to the Executive Assistant.
1.24. The Executive Assistant will log the complaint on the Compliments and Complaints Register and refer this to the Chief Executive Officer who will determine which department the complaint should be referred to. The compliment / complaint will then be passed on to the identified Department Manager for action.
1.25. The relevant Department Manager will nominate an appropriate person to address any complaint. Action to resolve the complaint will commence within 4 working days of the complaint being made (this includes contacting the complainant). A satisfactory course of action will be decided upon between the staff member and the complainant within 7 working days of the complaint being made.
1.26. The complainant must be informed of his or her right to have a support person or advocate present to assist or represent them during this process.
1.27. Once action has been taken, the staff member responsible for the action will return the Complaint Form, electronically, to the Department Manager. This form should detail the action taken and its outcome. Once reviewed by the Department Manager, and if it is believed that the complaint has been resolved satisfactorily, the completed form will be returned to the Executive Assistant.
1.28. If a satisfactory course of action cannot be agreed upon between the staff member and the complainant within 7 working days, the staff member will refer the matter back to their Department Manager. The Department Manager will convene a discussion between the relevant parties and will recommend a course of action.
1.29. If the issue remains unresolved, the complaint will be referred to the Chief Executive Officer for consideration and resolution.
1.30. If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution proposed by the Chief Executive Officer, the individual may wish to approach an external agency such as: Community Services Commission, Disability Complaints Service, Community Services Appeals Tribunal, Disability Discrimination Legal Centre, People with Disabilities Inc. NDIS Commission. The Chief Executive Officer or Executive Assistant will make available contact details of these agencies as required.
2. Monitoring Feedback and Complaints for Process Improvement
2.1 The Executive Assistant will analyse all Feedback and Complaint Forms quarterly. A report indicating the nature of the complaints received and suggestions for systemic change to minimise future complaints will be discussed with the Chief Executive Officer and Management team for consideration.
3. Continuous improvement
Data on continuous improvement ideas and strategies feed into the PNSW continuous improvement process through:
- Monthly reporting at all of Team meetings accompanied by development of resolution strategies
- Tabling at executive management meetings for resolution authorisation if required
- Analysis of complaints forms, risk assessments and incident forms
Improvements to process are then able to be identified and rectifications implemented.